Mot-clé - fedora

Fil des billets

dimanche, novembre 21 2021

Two days at the Open Source Experience

I was at the Open Source Experience event in Paris, France last week.

While it was nice to see friends from the FLOSS community, it did feel that the general public decided to stay away, probably because Covid cases are on the rise in France again. I was manning a Perl booth but used the fact that we were 4 people to wander again and ask vendors if they would be willing to support their applications in Fedora. As you can probably guess, results were mixed...

The first person I talked to was Clément Oudot, maintainer of LemonLDAP-NG. He was more than willing to add LL-NG to the Fedora repositories. I then talked to Benoît Mortier, the main developer of FusionDirectory and he was also enthusiastic about doing the same.

My stops at the OCS-Inventory and Bluemind booths proved less fruitful. People on both booths told me they did not have the resources to support a distribution like Fedora that releases every 6 months.

I then found myself at the Dolibarr booth where I had a talk with Laurent Destailleur, Dolibarr's main developer. We talked a lot about Dolibarr's experience with having their software packaged in Debian and the troubles they had over the years with Debian's policies on bundling and upgrades.

Finally, I dropped by the Centreon booth and discussed a number of things (their use of Perl, automatic deployment, distribution support). The Centreon people are looking to diversify the distributions they support and they seemed open to supporting Fedora Server as well as other distributions.

dimanche, décembre 8 2019

Paris Open Source Summit 2019 (in english)

Just so you know, the Fedora-fr community will be present at the 2019 edition of Paris Open Source Summit. This year, POSS will be held on December 10th and 11th from 9am to 6pm and, like every year, will be held at Dock Pullmann, in Aubervilliers. We will have a stand on the associative village (booth A34, to be quite exact).

We will be there to answer any questions about Fedora, offer to burn an image of Fedora 31 on your USB key. We will have Fedora goodies for people who are interested. Feel free to come to the Salon if you have time during the 2 days in question and drop by to say hi if you're there!

lundi, novembre 28 2016

Paris Open Source Summit 2017 (compte-rendu)

Il y a deux semaines avait lieu le Paris Open Source Summit, 2ième édition et Borsalinux-Fr y ténait un stand (pour la première fois, personne n'ayant pu se libérer l'année passée).

Je suis arrivé avec le matériel de l'association et j'ai rapidement retrouvé Jean-Baptiste. Le temps de déplier le totem, de coller quelques affiches puis de répartir sur la table les différents goodies et bonbons que nous avions apportés et nous étions fin prêt à recevoir le public. Le mercredi matin a connu une affluence relativement importante et nous avons pu distribuer des DVDs Fedora 24 (tout en expliquant que Fedora 25 sortait dans très peu de temps). Nous avons parlé des différences de Fedora par rapport aux autres distributions, du travail de traduction que nous faisons pour le projet et répondu à tout un tas de questions. L'après-midi, J.-B. a cédé la place à misc qui était venu nous prêter main-fort (j'avais prévu de passer la première journée sur le stand des Mongueurs de Perl).

Le jeudi a été un peu plus calme mais J.-B. et moi avons continué à répondre aux questions et distribuer des goodies. En début d'après-midi, Deb Bryant du pôle Open Source & Standards de Red Hat est passée nous voir pour nous remercier de tout le travail que faisons pour faire vivre la distribution. À intervalles réguliers, j'ai profité de creux dans les visites pour aller discuter avec nos amis des stands voisins (Ubuntu-Fr, Framasoft, Ada-France, Joomla-Fr, ...).

La journée terminée, nous avons nos affaires de stand et sommes rentrés bien fatigués.

samedi, août 6 2016

Installing Bugzilla on RHEL/Centos 7.x

One recurring subject on the bugzilla support mailing list is the installation of the Perl modules that Bugzilla requires to function. When you are installing on a Linux distribution, the recommended course of action is to use the packages supplied by the distribution. But, on some distributions, these can be of a version lower than what is required by Bugzilla.

One such distribution is RHEL. Version 7 came out in 2014 and its long support life cycle make it popular for people to use it as a base for their bugzilla instance. Using Bugzilla 4.4 is easy because all Bugzilla's mandatory Perl packages are available by default but Bugzilla 5.0 came out after RHEL7 was released and a number of Perl modules aren't available or are outdated. Users then try to install the missing modules themselves, which is something easy to get wrong. I decided to see if this could be made simpler.

My first step was to see if the modules could be supplied in EPEL, a third-party software repository for RHEL and CentOS but some of the modules concerned are in RHEL which makes them impossible to update via EPEL. Another solution is the use of Fedora's COPR, an easy way for Fedora developers to maintain third party repositories for Fedora and/or RHEL.

It took some amount of tweaking to find the package versions that allow you to run Bugzilla 5.0.x without replacing RHEL7's entire Perl stack but the end result is here. Activating a COPR repo is pretty straightforward:

  • dnf install dnf-plugins-core
  • dnf copr enable eseyman/bugzilla-5.0

At which point, you can install bugzilla just like any other application:

  • dnf install bugzilla

The bugzilla package will be updated everytime a new version of Bugzilla is released and its support will end when the Bugzilla developers end support for the 5.0 branch.

dimanche, novembre 29 2015

Support Software Freedom Conservancy

As some of you may know, Software Freedom Conservancy (SFC) has announced a "Supporter" program, allowing individuals to make a donation to SFC's general operating fund, helping them to do the things they do. Since I'm a huge fan of the work that SFC does, I've decided to become a supporter and I encourage others to do the same.

dimanche, novembre 8 2015

The Perl SIG's mail

As you may not know, I'm a member of Fedora's Perl SIG, the group of people who maintain the Perl ecosystem by providing timely reviews, acting as package co-maintainers and assisting with related security issues.

As it turns, the SIG watches over a lot of packages, over 2600 of them. As you can imagine, this generates a lot of mail, an amount that increases as time goes on and more perl modules are added to the distribution. And this doesn't even take into account mass rebuilds or the fact that all perl modules are rebuilt when a new version of perl is added to rawhide. Over the month of June (when we updated perl to 5.22.x and then rebuilt everything for GCC 5, we got 8000+ emails sent to the list).

Needless to say, it's easy to lose track of information when you're bombarded with this amount of mail. To help cope, I now split the mail received from the perl-devel mailing list into several folders:

  • pkgdb mail is sent to its own folder
  • bug mail is sent to its own folder
  • mail about broken dependencies also has its own folder
  • mail about git commits have their own folder
  • mail about orphaned packages is sent to its own folder
  • everything else perl-devel-related is sent to one folder

At one point, git commits and tarball uploads were separated in different folders but the number of uploads were small enough that I put the two together.

Since I use procmail to filter my incoming mail, here's the relevant stanza in my .procmailrc:

* ^List-Id: Fedora perl development team
* ^X-Fedmsg-Topic:

* ^List-Id: Fedora perl development team
* ^X-Bugzilla-Reason: CC

* ^List-Id: Fedora perl development team
* ^Subject: Broken dependencies:

* ^List-Id: Fedora perl development team
* ^X-Fedmsg-Topic:

* ^List-Id: Fedora perl development team
* ^Subject: Orphaned Packages

* ^List-Id: Fedora perl development team

mardi, juin 30 2015

Closing bugs in RPMFusion's Bugzilla

A quick note to people who have RPMFusion repos enabled: RPMFusion will no longer be publishing updates for Fedora 20.

In a few days, I'll be closing RPMFusion's Bugzilla bugs against Fedora 20 with the EXPIRED resolution. If you're involved in one of these bugs, please assign it to another version of Fedora so that it will stay opened.

JFTR, I'll be concentrating on making Bugzilla 4.4 availible to the RPMFusion guys so we can finally upgrade our installation and bring it in sync with the version of the bugzilla used by Fedora.

mardi, septembre 17 2013

Rencontres Fedora 19

The french ambassadors have, every time a new version of Fedora came out, organised a release party for it (we skipped Fedora 18 because the timing of the release didn't make it practical to organise an event). We call these the Recontres Fedora ("Fedora Encounters" or "Fedora Meetings") to stress the importance of developers and end-users meeting each other. When Fedora 19 came out at the begining of July, we decided to have a release party but to do it in september so that everybody could be present.

We set up a date with Parinux, the Paris Linux user group and decided to have the event on the first saturday of september. Universcience, who had already given us a huge hand for FUDCon Paris, again helped us out by hosting the event. A wiki page was set up, a ticket was filed for swag and we started looking for speakers for the conferences. Truth be told, I worried quite a bit before the event that it would go terribly wrong. We ended up not getting the swag, speakers were hard to come by and few people signed up to the wiki page.

However, the release party happened with little difficulties. A number of Fedora ambasadors (nobrakal, bertux, bouska ...) came for the event, people came to the event with usb keys which allowed us to copy a Live Fedora iso on them so that they could try Fedora at home. I had to cancel my conference because I was too busy setting up the event to do it but Misc's conferenece on Ansible was very well done and attracted a small crowd.

I'm actually looking forward to the Rencontres Fedora 20.

lundi, juillet 8 2013

Fedora is at the LSM

It's taken a few surprises and a last-minute sprint but there's a Fedora booth at the Libre Software Meeting. We're at booth E2 in the K building and we'ld love to see you if you have any questions about Fedora, if you're a Fedora developer who happens to be in the area or if you're just interested in FLOSS in general and would like to know more.

Come say hi !



mardi, mai 28 2013

Booth on Solutions Linux

I will be one of several Fedora developers manning the booth A35 at Solutions Linux, a two-day event in Paris promoting FLOSS business solutions. Booth A35 is in the community village so don't hesitate to drop bye and say hi.

dimanche, mars 25 2012

Cleaning up Bugzilla

RPMFusion's Bugzilla has gathered a number of bugs over the years and, for lack of maintainance, bugs filed against EOL-ed versions of Fedora have never been closed. The result is a number of open bugs:

Fedora 8 2
Fedora 9 2
Fedora 10 13
Fedora 11 8
Fedora 12 10
Fedora 13 6
Fedora 14 45

I've added a new resolution, EXPIRED, in and I'll be using it over the next few weeks to close bugs filed against Fedora 8 through 14. Once a week, I'll be taking one version's bugs and closing them with the EXPIRED resolution and adding a comment on the next version's bugs warning that they will be closed a week later. Once we're done with those, it will probably be time to do the same thing to the Fedora 15 bugs. At that point, we'll probably join the Fedora bug triage cycle, doing this every 6 months.

lundi, avril 25 2011

Fedora et FVWM

Ceux qui suivent l'actualité de Fedora savent que la Beta de Fedora 15 est sorti la semaine dernière. J'ai profité du weekend pour l'installer sur deux PC. L'un d'entre eux n'ayant pas de cartes graphique digne de ce nom, je me suis retrouvé avec le mode fallback de Gnome. Passons rapidement, celui-ci ne fera l'affaire pour personne, j'en ai peur.

L'installation sur le portable s'est mieux passé. J'ai alors pu profiter pleinement des nouveautés de Fedora 15. Firefox 4 permet (enfin) de voir les vidéos Youtube sans avoir à installer Flash sur son ordinateur, Gnome 3 (dont je redoutais qu'il soit plus difficile à prendre en main que ça). Le ventilateur du portable s'emballant au bout d'une heure d'utilisation, je n'ai pas pu tester longtemps mais ça semble prometteur.

L'actualité a aussi été marquée ces derniers temps par la sortie de FVWM 2.6.0. Pour ceux qui ont commencé à utiliser les distributions GNU/Linux après la sortie de les versions 1.0 de GNOME et KDE, ça marquera un retour aux sources. Avant Gnome et KDE, FVWM était le gestionnaire par défaut des distributions, en raison de sa très grande configurabilité.

J'ai donc pris les archives disponibles sur, compilé des rpms et j'ai installé sur ma machine. Force est de constater que très peu de choses ont changés en 10 ans (la sortie de 2.4.0 date de 2001). La configuration par défaut est toujours aussi brut et FVWM est toujours (voire encore plus) configurable. Je sens que je vais l'installer sur les machines qui n'ont pas la configuration matériel nécessaire pour Gnome 3.

L'autre nouveauté du projet, c'est l'abandon du cycle de développement actuel (on me souffle dans l'oreillette que 10 ans entre chaque version d'un logiciel, c'est long). Les développeurs de FVWM préparent une migration de CVS à git pour gérer leur code source et comptent utiliser les fonctionnalités de git pour développer les fonctionnalités majeures dans des branches spéciales. Une fois le développement d'une fonctionnalité terminé, on fusionne la branche principale avec la branche de développement et on se retrouve avec une version stable de FVWM qui contient la fonctionnalité en question. Les fonctionnalités seront donc disponibles des que possible aux utilisateurs de FVWM.

lundi, mars 28 2011


Je pense que vous vous êtes trompés de site...

Si, malgré tout, vous pensez être ici de votre plein gré, sachez que vous êtes sur le blog d'Emmanuel Seyman. Informaticien, grand partisan des Logiciels Libres, j'ai été président pendant quelques années de Parinux, le groupe d'utilisateurs de Linux et de Logiciels Libres. Depuis le 19 février, je suis le nouveau président de Fedora-Fr et j'aurai donc l'occasion de bloguer sur les différents actions, évènements et annonces de l'association.

Ce blog aura donc l'occasion de parler de Fedora (le projet) et Fedora-Fr (l'association) mais aussi Bugzilla (le projet informatique), Perl (le langage de programmation) et Mutt (le lecteur de courrier électronique) et de trucs geek d'une manière générale.

Voyons voir ce que ça donne...