Mot-clé - bugzilla

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samedi, août 6 2016

Installing Bugzilla on RHEL/Centos 7.x

One recurring subject on the bugzilla support mailing list is the installation of the Perl modules that Bugzilla requires to function. When you are installing on a Linux distribution, the recommended course of action is to use the packages supplied by the distribution. But, on some distributions, these can be of a version lower than what is required by Bugzilla.

One such distribution is RHEL. Version 7 came out in 2014 and its long support life cycle make it popular for people to use it as a base for their bugzilla instance. Using Bugzilla 4.4 is easy because all Bugzilla's mandatory Perl packages are available by default but Bugzilla 5.0 came out after RHEL7 was released and a number of Perl modules aren't available or are outdated. Users then try to install the missing modules themselves, which is something easy to get wrong. I decided to see if this could be made simpler.

My first step was to see if the modules could be supplied in EPEL, a third-party software repository for RHEL and CentOS but some of the modules concerned are in RHEL which makes them impossible to update via EPEL. Another solution is the use of Fedora's COPR, an easy way for Fedora developers to maintain third party repositories for Fedora and/or RHEL.

It took some amount of tweaking to find the package versions that allow you to run Bugzilla 5.0.x without replacing RHEL7's entire Perl stack but the end result is here. Activating a COPR repo is pretty straightforward:

  • dnf install dnf-plugins-core
  • dnf copr enable eseyman/bugzilla-5.0

At which point, you can install bugzilla just like any other application:

  • dnf install bugzilla

The bugzilla package will be updated everytime a new version of Bugzilla is released and its support will end when the Bugzilla developers end support for the 5.0 branch.

dimanche, mars 25 2012

Cleaning up Bugzilla

RPMFusion's Bugzilla has gathered a number of bugs over the years and, for lack of maintainance, bugs filed against EOL-ed versions of Fedora have never been closed. The result is a number of open bugs:

Fedora 8 2
Fedora 9 2
Fedora 10 13
Fedora 11 8
Fedora 12 10
Fedora 13 6
Fedora 14 45

I've added a new resolution, EXPIRED, in and I'll be using it over the next few weeks to close bugs filed against Fedora 8 through 14. Once a week, I'll be taking one version's bugs and closing them with the EXPIRED resolution and adding a comment on the next version's bugs warning that they will be closed a week later. Once we're done with those, it will probably be time to do the same thing to the Fedora 15 bugs. At that point, we'll probably join the Fedora bug triage cycle, doing this every 6 months.